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Join-The-Change For Better Elder Care

An unbelievable reality has developed in caregiving qualities in Long Term Care facilities, post Covid 19. This widespread inadequate care which can still be fixed at this time, is causing many owners of facilities to join with their workers of low quality performance to push out and make it very uncomfortable for those still willing to give excellent care. 

Carol Carter the founder of Join-The-Change For Better Elder Care, found that there has been a sharp decline in the ability and willingness of a significant number of Caregivers post Covid 19 to dispense a quality of care that starts off with a conscious effort to provide comfort, love and compassion care.

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Unfortunately, (many facility owners today (due to the critical shortage of workers), are forced to focus more on keeping any staff in their facilities, therefore high quality of work seems too time consuming and individualized, and can no longer fit their immediate business bottom line. Many post Covid 19 workers find such things mundane and not as sexy as passing medication and dispensing sweet snacks. Facility owners can no longer afford to upset workers who’re bent on easy inferior methods. They’re more plentiful (even in this critical shortage) therefore their low standards have to be accepted and rewarded in order to ensure that the body of a live caregiver is present at all times.

More and more today conscientious Caregivers are finding residents with the most appalling skin conditions, that are simply from no longer getting adequate and proper amounts of showers or bed baths. People on all levels of the caregiving ladder are acting as if they don’t smell the offensive odors, or see the scales of dead cells that have built up on every area of so many residents’ skin.

When older Caregivers come in with Old School abilities and sensibilities that get and keep residents and the space cleaner, happier and more comfortable, this can no longer be appreciated as explained above

My History

Consequently, after working for 40 years without ever being fired, I have been fired three times in a span of 2 years (Feb., 2022, Feb2023, and April 2023). In each instance I was fired for dispensing exceptional care with a strong dose of compassion and more physical strength than all of the younger cell-phone addicted caregivers all of whom (without one exception) complained of constant back and other bodily aches.


At the same time they are more able and enthusiastic to dispense (or assist with the self administration of medication), feed a constant dose of sugar laden junk foods that many in authority still say is critical, and to which most of us (self included) are all addicted; but which many have now come to realize (even without advanced specialized knowledge) are contributing to constant restlessness and combativeness, constipation, urinary irritations plus many more negative outcomes all round.

Just day to day observation and comparisons have shown me that residents in my care in these facilities were not having to leave their home facility and end up in hospitals with crisis after crisis, only to be returned the same day or a few days later, with no new diagnosis, or no significant reason found for the crisis that brought them in.


It seems incredible that I am stating that I have been the victim of a post Covid 19 culture in Long Term Care facilities, where the new standard is to tolerate and reward sub-standard personal care delivery, while penalizing those who demonstrate consistently and with relative ease, that a much better standard can still be our norm. This is the truth however, and I am willing to take any amount of Lie Detector tests, to prove that any reason given for my termination are ones that were carefully constructed to hide the truth. Which is, that facility owners (consciously or unconsciously) are accepting substandard caregiving practices to be their new norm.

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Elementum in lacus, fermentum dapibus magna lectus ut vel feugiat pellentesque molestie quam venenatis, tempor in.

Ethan Shaw
“Metus venenatis cursus ipsum egestas blandit accumsan est feugiat tempus dignissim ante nunc viverra nulla condimentum nunc in sit massa pulvinar tempor mi tortor sapien vel egestas odio bibendum sem ultrices tellus.”
“Sit cursus quam sagittis pellentesque iaculis mauris purus tincidunt urna ullamcorper viverra aliquet aliquet aliquet donec non molestie egestas cursus amet eu facilisi varius libero diam pharetra odio pharetra at cras aliquam.”
Maria Eve
“Nisl ac massa porttitor adipiscing pretium nec sit turpis in adipiscing faucibus quam consectetur pellentesque et mi molestie amet, et, platea facilisi malesuada vitae in scelerisque elementum vestibulum accumsan at etiam vitae.”
Liam Bower

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Id elit mauris neque, purus dui turpis gravida id viverra nunc sit risus quam ornare et massa viverra porta risus justo lectus morbi pulvinar non bibendum nisl quisque donec nunc facilisis fermentum.

High Quality Lab

In iaculis nisi, a tempor diam luctus elit vulputate aliquet proin tincidunt

Unmatched Expertise

In iaculis nisi, a tempor diam luctus elit vulputate aliquet proin tincidunt

Precise Result

In iaculis nisi, a tempor diam luctus elit vulputate aliquet proin tincidunt

Qualified Staff

In iaculis nisi, a tempor diam luctus elit vulputate aliquet proin tincidunt

“Tristique sed odio nunc ut morbi sit urna, vitae, sed pellentesque massa, pellentesque lacinia sapien tempor enim netus euismod tincidunt varius malesuada ornare morbi lorem suspendisse non posuere penatibus tincidunt aliquam lorem.”

Why People Trust Us

Id elit mauris neque, purus dui turpis gravida id viverra nunc sit risus quam ornare et massa viverra porta risus justo lectus morbi pulvinar non bibendum nisl quisque donec nunc facilisis fermentum.

High Quality Lab

In iaculis nisi, a tempor diam luctus elit vulputate aliquet proin tincidunt

Unmatched Expertise

In iaculis nisi, a tempor diam luctus elit vulputate aliquet proin tincidunt

Precise Result

In iaculis nisi, a tempor diam luctus elit vulputate aliquet proin tincidunt

Qualified Staff

In iaculis nisi, a tempor diam luctus elit vulputate aliquet proin tincidunt

PointLab Expert Team

Imperdiet aliquet est vel nulla turpis eu consequat ullamcorper a egestas suspendisse faucibus eu velit, phasellus pulvinar lorem et libero et tortor, sapien nulla.

Margaret Anderson

Head of Laboratory Department

Mark Anthony

Senior Pathologist

Samantha Wood

Laboratory Technician
Our Lab Certification
of 5


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Lorem mauris tincidunt lacus, id rhoncus erat facilisis purus sed consectetur in.

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Nibh euismod massa ultrices sagittis, a tortor fermentum pulvinar interdum et ut.

Our Location

Midtown Manhattan
123 5th Ave, New York,
NY 1021, US.

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